IMPRISONED BY THE SECRET Charcoal on Paper13″x9″2010Private Collection It angered me to witness the damage and the control some childhood secrets had inflicted on myself and others that I loved and cared about. This is a commemorative drawing for those who...
GROW WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED Graphite and Coloured Pencil2004SOLD I remember the awe I experienced the first time I saw a sapling “thriving” on a rocky ledge in the Algonquin wilderness with only a patch of soil to sustain it. How could it survive on so little? The...
THE GREAT PRETENDER Acrylic on Limestone Paper2017SOLD Fear and pain had perpetuated a lifetime of not being true to myself and therefore to others until an overwhelming circumstance in my life became the impetus for letting go and removing the ‘mask’ that I had...
STONEY HEART Found Objects2006Private Collection I was walking with my dog when I discovered this heart shaped stone in a creek. I pay attention to such happenings and wondered if this was not only meant for my eyes but possibly as a mirror of my heart’s condition. I...
FEAR ENTOMBED Paper Mache Mask6″ x 10″1995Collection of the Artist My intention in creating this mask was to learn the process of paper mache by using my face for the practice mold but when it came to sculpting the mask I felt like a marionette whose...
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